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Introduction and Index for the CPCC Bible Study - Genesis: in depth

Produced by TheMediaDesk, ©2025
Posted on CCPC's website 20252

      Welcome to the Index Page for CPCC's Tuesday Morning Bible Study of Genesis.
      ... and so it begins, at the Beginning, so to speak.
      Much more about the Why and How are in the introductory page called "5 W's" below, but for now we'll explain that this is a Work In Progress. We're adding to it as we go, and as we discover typos and find parts of the study that need explanation, we'll come back in here and take care of those.
      Also below you'll find an extensive collection of special looks / essays / features / whatever, all with the same extensive documentation and resource links as on the study pages. The only thing missing is the artwork exhibited during the classroom study, and that's for a couple of reasons. One being that in most cases, the images are under copyright and while the educational use in the class is permitted, copying and posting to a website isn't. That, and some of the images are high resolution and the files are huge, and the storage space on the server is somewhat limited. So if you want to see the detail on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, pick the search engine of your choice and go for it!

      And now we have to say this. The observations / comments / conclusions / views / etc / etc expressed in the study are those of the author, and do not in any way represent a reasonable opinion by a sane individual. Please take them as they are intended, as a beginning point for a discussion of the opening book of The Pentateuch.

A NOTE about the HTML Presentation:
    These files were originally saved and printed as .txt files to keep things simple and the files small. That means that the Hebrew words are rendered with standard English letters. If the reader is curious, the original Hebrew words are available on the Bible Hub Interlinear pages:

    All Links to outside sources were WORKING as of date of original posting of this study.

    Also: all Bible quotations are used and attributed within the normal guidelines for this type of study. The versions they are from are (usually) labeled: (KJV), (NIV), (NASB), (GN) and so on.